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Get published on our influential news network with over 200 NEWS SITES and Apple News, Bing & Google News.

100% Money-Back Guarantee if your articles are not published on at least 200 news sites.
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How does it work?

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To be featured on Premium News Outlets give numerous positive benefits such as:

Increase Brand Awareness

Get featured with a wide Press Campaign on major News Outlets such as Fox, NBC, ABC, AP, and Google News. The brand awareness will increase dramatically

Improve Company Image or Brand Reputation

Major News Publication will give you social proof when they feature your company, brand, or product. You will be able to add the "Featured on" or "As seen on" website badge. This alone will aready increase the trust of potential customers.

Get verified on Social Media

The blue badge "Verified" or "Public Figure" on Social Media will make you a kind of "Celebrity" and you will gain much faster social media followers and engagement. This sends social media signals to Google and help you to rank your website to generate organic traffic. To be featured on some of the most prestigious News Publications makes it most likely that Social Media Networks will approve that you are a public figure.

Get Traffic

You should get a lot of traffic from those news sites as some of them have over hundred million monthly visitors. Make sure your website is optimized to get the maximum out of your website visits. Convert your traffic into qualified leads and increase your sales.

A lot of traffic is another ranking signal for Google and other search engines. It shows that your website is popular. However, you have to keep the traffic up. Therefore, make sure your website content is interesting and collect emails from your website visitors that you can re-target them and your website traffic goes up and up.

Google Ranking

As before mentioned, there are several signals that will help you to rank your website or improve keyword positions in Google and other search engines with social media signals and high traffic.

Another important factor in ranking your website are citations and backlinks. Some news website will not give do-follow links, but they still count.

Google wants an organic backlink profile which consists of citations of your brand, company or products, naked URL of your website, do-follow and no-follow backlinks, and anchor links for various keywords and linking back not only to the homepage but also to other pages (deep-linking).


The "FEATURED ON" or "AS SEEN ON" label is like an endorsement from premium publications and builds Trust as well as Social Proof.

Our client Surveys have given following average stats:


In addition, the traffic gets an enormous boost with high quality web visitors from all the premium media networks.

More Reasons to get featured on News Sites

What is media coverage?

The term “media” refers to the mass of information that we receive through various forms, such as newspapers and magazines. Media can be divided into two categories: print and electronic. The main difference between them lies in their content; while newspaper articles are usually longer than those on television or radio programs, they also have a more detailed structure with sections like front page, sports section, business section etc., which makes it easier for readers to find what they want quickly. Television shows and movies are generally shorter, but often contain more visual elements. Radio broadcasts tend to be less structured and may include news updates at any time during the broadcast.
Media outlets play an important role in our lives by informing us about current events and providing entertainment. They influence how people think and act, and therefore affect society as a whole. However, there has been much debate over whether this should be considered good or bad. Some argue that media coverage helps keep citizens informed, so they know what is going on around them, allowing them to make better decisions when making choices regarding public policy. Others believe that media coverage leads to sensationalism and encourages violence against women and minorities. This article will discuss these issues and provide some examples from recent history.

Why does media matter?

The question of why we should care about the news is a perennial one. The answer, I think, lies in how it affects us as individuals and societies. It’s not just that the news matters to our daily lives; it also shapes them. We are shaped by what we see and hear every day: whether we like it or not. And if we don’t like it, then we can change things — but only with effort. That’s because the news has power over us.

Media coverage does matter

Media coverage is important because it shapes the way people think about issues. It influences how they feel and what they believe, which in turn affects their behavior. Media also has a powerful influence on policy-making: governments are influenced by public opinion to make decisions that will be popular with voters. The media can help or hinder this process - either through its own reporting of events, or by influencing other parts of society such as political parties and interest groups.

The media’s role in shaping our understanding of politics was highlighted recently when the UK government announced plans to hold an inquiry into press freedom following revelations made during the Leveson Inquiry. This followed concerns raised over whether there had been too much self-regulation within the industry. In particular, some journalists have expressed concern that the current system allows newspapers to control who writes stories, rather than editors being able to decide themselves.

What are the benefits of being featured in the news?

The answer is simple: exposure. Exposure means that your business will be seen by more people, and those who see you may become customers or clients for life. The key to getting this kind of publicity is to make sure it’s a good fit with what you do best – if you can create an interesting story about yourself or your company, then chances are there will be plenty of media outlets interested in covering it.

In addition, newsworthy stories will be sent to relevant journalists and no need for individual email pitches.

Artificial Intelligence for Press Release Writing

We are reinventing press release writing. You will no longer have to struggle with writing an effective press releases that captivate the media and attract your customers. Our AI Press Release tools are analyzing the options and propose the best newsworthy headlines, summary with your key messages, main body text and conclusion to increase chances that your story is read and picked up by journalists and editors for a follow-up featured editorial.
You can select packages in which our professional writers and editors are writing the press release and editorials for you. Simply, select, click, pay, and you are good to go.

Media Coverage more in depth

1. Free Advertising

You get free advertising! If a journalist writes about you on a news outlet, they have just given away some free advertising time. This could mean hundreds of new visitors to your website. It also gives them something else to write about, which might lead to other opportunities down the line.
If you have been featured on TV, radio, online, print, etc., then you already know how much money you could save from not having to pay for ads. If you haven’t yet had any coverage, think about all the places where you might want to advertise. With media coverage, you might get additional exposure on social networks like Facebook and Twitter. It is a nice way to get your brand, company, product or services promoted without spending too much cash. Plus, if everything is done perfectly, it could go viral.

2. Trust Building

It helps build trust. When people read about you in the reputable media outlets, they assume that your company is legit and trust your brand, product or service. Even if they have not seen the original article in the news but seen the badge 'FEATURED ON' or 'AS SEEN ON' on your website, the trust factor increases drastically. They are more likely to buy your services or products.

3. Brand Attention & Recognition

Your brand gets attention. You never know when someone reads about you will decide to buy from you because they like what they saw. And once they start buying from you regularly, word spreads quickly.

4. People remember you

People often tell us that one reason why they choose my services over others is simply because I was mentioned somewhere before. That doesn’t happen very often, so it makes a big difference when it does.

5. Traffic Increase

People love reading stories about themselves and other businesses. When they read about you, they feel compelled to learn more about you and your products/services. They may even share your content with friends and family members. As long as you don’t overdo it, though, you shouldn’t worry about losing potential new customers.
More traffic, more readers, more potential leads. So far we’ve talked only about direct results, but there are many indirect ones as well. For example, if you were featured in the New York Times, you would probably receive lots of inquiries asking you for advice on the topic. You will have become an authority in your domain. Major news outlets  have millions or even tens of millions regular readers. Google News is seen by over 400 million people every month.

6. More leads come in

As mentioned above, readers tend to click through links to websites associated with brands they admire. Just make sure your site is optimized to capture these leads with a professional landing page or sales funnel and marketing automation to ensure the best possible conversion rate.

7. SEO Benefits

Marquee News Sites have very high Domain Authority and Google trusts them. A backlink from such a high DA site to your website most likely will increase your own keyword ranking in search engines such as Google and Bing. E.g. Forbes, New York Times, Bloomberg, and CNN have a DA of 95/100. As a comparison, has a DA of 94/100.

Google algorithms even consider citations of your website or no-follow backlinks as positive signals.

8. Your reputation improves

When someone reads about you in the press they often assume that you must be doing something right because why else would anyone care enough to write about you. This gives them confidence in your product/service, which makes them more likely to buy from you. It also helps build trust between you and your audience, so when you need their help later down the line, they won’t hesitate to give it.

9. Social Media Benefits

News featured customers have often been approved as 'Public Figure' or 'Verified' on social media networks. This will result in more followers and potential clients.
Media coverage may result in tweets and posts on social media. People will follow your account more likely. These will give your website positive social media signals to Google and is one of the ranking factors that might get more and more ranking weight.

10. Interest

Other journalists and decision makers and business owners will see your compelling story. An individual journalist might have interest to cover you as a founder & CEO or your brand after you have been covered in the news, even after the entire process of our coverage service is finished. Make sure you have a media kit or public relations information package with contact details including direct email address ready.
Other sites might ask you to write a blog post as an entrepreneur insider or entrepreneur contributor on their websites. This will give you more exposure and backlinks from your guest posts. Your public relations will keep rolling and keep telling your business story. You will become the go-to industry expert for media outlets.

Press Releases and Editorials in Publications for Brand Exposure

Press releases and editorials in publications increases your company's brand exposure The purpose of this paper is to provide a brief overview on the use of press releases, editorials, and other forms of media coverage by marketers. It will also discuss how these types of articles can be used, as We also offer custom solutions if you need help creating unique campaigns.
Know more why press and media coverage are essential for your business.
Traditional advertising agencies require you to pay $$$$$ for the most simple services.
After: And yes, there are many businesses that have spent over 1 million dollars on advertising without getting any results or reaching your target audience.
The biggest challenge faced by business owners is also the most overlooked marketing strategy. It is called writing a press release. However, publishing a press release is not easy. It requires experience, time and a lot of effort.
Squatec Digital Marketing is a full service agency offering effective online marketing solutions with high return. We are here to solve your press release problems for your company news or personal story. This easy-to-use press release distribution service helps you reach a relevant target audience and achieve your business goals.

How to get a FREE VACATION with SquaTec Press Releases & Editorials?

The SquaTec Marketing team has partnered with the luxury travel insiders and the struggling hotel industry. We offer you with free vacation when purchasing one of the press release services.
You will receive free 3 to 7 nights  in hotels for a couple with our compliments. Value can be over 2000 dollars, depending on the hotel you select. Government taxes, flights and beverages are not included.
The vouchers have to be activated within 7 days and must be redeemed in the next 18 months.
Check the destinations here!


Business and website owners, and their staff who purchase one of our services for web design, SEO, or press coverage with a few restrictions.

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